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Robin Hood

Robin Hood

February 2024

   Join Robin Hood and his Merry Band as they take on the Sheriff of Nottingham and a new threat to the crown. Full of combat, hilarity, and adventure, this show is perfect for the whole family!

Directed by Andrew Willis

Assisted by Ellen Johnson


  • Robin Hood - Calvin Goodman

  • Friar Tuck - Micah Mast

  • Lady Merle - Isabel Lutz

  • Sheriff of Nottingham - Tyler Miller

  • Maid Marian - Kyiah Bailey

  • Sheriff's Wife - Peggy Sunday

  • Salome - Emma Mast

  • Little John - Elijah Goodman

  • Will Scarlet - Hollas Goodman

  • Beth - Jordan Overton

  • Mother Meg - Hanna Lilley

  • Annabel - Seraphina Daly

  • Stranger - Andrew Goble

  • Old Widow - Josie Brasch

  • Soliders - Ellen Johnson, Jordan Overton, Emma Mast

  • Merry Men/Festival Attendees - Amelia Daly, Jamie Tolin


  • Lights: Phil Johnson

  • Sound: Daisy Goodman

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